Wurth mercedes benz
Wheel Paint: Mercedes-Benz Forum -
Does anyone have a PPG part number (I'm shooting Deltron base coat) that is a close match for our aluminum alloy MB rims? I'm trying to find something close to the Wurth silver lacquer color which I understand is a perfect match.Wurth mercedes benz1 My '15 GLK has the silver, 15 spoke wheels. When I bought it the front rims had curb rash. Time for new tires, but I need to sand and paint wheels. Does anyone know a brand and color that matches? Thanks for all replies. Wurth Silver is what I've used if DIY.
Painting alloy wheels -- PPG#? (Wurth silver) + my experiences This Wurth Wurth High Build Under Seal Undercoating (Mfg#wuuKT) fits Audi, BMW, Mercedes Benz, MINI, Porsche, Volkswagen. Protect your vehicle's underbody with Wurth's Low VOC High Build Underseal.
What color Rustoleum paint best matches the stock Bundt Read somewhere that Astral Silver is the original color code of Bundt wheels. I haven't tried it but according to Wurth, this color fits about every German car sold. Wurth Silver Wheel Paint 12 o.z. InStock Ships Today!. Call () May Qualify For FREE SHIPPING.